Monday, August 31, 2009

REVIEW: The Blonde Of The Joke - Bennett Madison

Blonde of The Joke
Bennett Madison

The Blonde of the Joke centers around a very unique character named Val. She seems fairly normal at the beginning of the book--a teenager trying to blend into the walls. But as the book progresses Val becomes a very complex person.

She has her own issues to deal with blending into the walls and all, things get out of control when Francie pops into her life.

Francie has a talent--a talent for thievery. Francie slowly sucks Val into her dark world and soon the two girls inspire to steal everything in the world.

I really enjoyed this book, some pieces dragged along but were needed to tell the story. I would not change anything about the novel and the thought that Madison had put into the book is amazing, with one simple line he can cause a characters life to crumble. I give the book a four out of five because the ending seemed rushed and didn't make sense to me--but maybe that was just part of the joke.

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